Leverage on the SRHR of AGYWs

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Adolescent girls and young women in Suba sub County continue to face intersecting discrimination and violence from community members and even from the police and the state. SRHR of AGYW are highly stigmatized and frowned upon due to deeply held comunity, cultural and religious values. In Suba sub County, AGYW are prone to gender based violence including emotional, psychological, economic and even physical violence. Yet, they do not have access to reparations, justice and health service. Health providers remain constraint due to their personal beliefs and police officers take no action on perpetrators due to inadequate evidence and systemic discrimination against AGYW. They are also treated as less humans and their right to dignity and bodily autonomy and integrity violated on several levels. Homa Bay County where Suba sub county lies is among the counties with the highest HIV/AIDS incidences and prevalences in Kenya with AGYW among the disproportionately affected groups. They have inadequate services to Pre exposure prophylaxis and PEP as well as commodities for safe sex. Further, due to patriarchal power systems and the economic hegemony, male clients have feelings of entitlement and ownership and thus believe they can get away with every sexual demand including unprotected sex. This makes it difficult to bargain for safe sex. There also lacks a coordinating framework for AGYW to organize and demand for key rights. This include holding community leaders and policy makers accountable for their actions and commitments to respect, fulfill, promote and respect human rights for. It’s therefore imperative to, utilize a human rights based approach that encompasses interpersonal communication dialogue to communicate AGYW issues as a human rights issues. AGYW should aslo play a key role in the  to enhance advocacy by representation. Equally, there is  also need utilize existing channels of communication and expand them and challenge patriarchy and norms.

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